Ygia Polyclinic Private Hospital


European Cancer Nursing Day

In the context of the European Cancer Nurse Day, the Nursing team at the Chemotherapy Department at YGIA Polyclinic along with Dr. George Orphanos, Medical Oncologist and his team of Associated Physicians, expressed with the outmost love the unique way with which their heart and souls are devoted to patients who are medically challenged on a daily basis.

Oncology nurses are on the front line of cancer treatment and are called upon to manage diseases that cause physical, mental and spiritual pain, and give battles along with patients that others win and others do not.

Our promise is to create a therapeutic and safe environment for all our patients who are daily challenged to overcome physical, mental and social pain, and generously embrace them with love and compassion whenever they need to.


On behalf of the Nursing Care Team,

Kornelia Constantinou               Constantina Klokoni
Sister                                             Laura – Michaela Panayiotou


It is also worth mentioning that, within the context of the European Cancel Nurse Day, a presentation was held at YGIA Polyclinic, the content of which is posted in the here-below photographic material.