Ygia Polyclinic Private Hospital


Hand Washing in the Prevention of Infections

2017:  Year of Prevention of Hospital Infections at YGIA Polyclinic in Limassol - Hand Washing in the Prevention of Infections

In 1980 the US Infection Control Center (C.D.C.) issued instructions for hand washing, making it the most important method for preventing hospital infections.

Since 2005 and each year after, the 5th of May is recognized and is dedicated by the World Health Organization as "Hand Hygiene Day".

In the context of intensive implementation of procedures for prevention and control of the transmission of hospital infections, the Chairman and Members of the Infection Committee at our Hospita, have decided that hand washing and the use of alcoholic antiseptic is a top priority in preventing hospital infestions and ensuring the quality of care provided to patients.

As it has been documented, hand washing remains the most important means of preventing infections, as it is a key component in the daily clinical practice of health professionals  The immediate goal is to reduce the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens responsible for causing serious infections leading towards high morbidity and mortality of patients.

Health professionals must comply with all guidelines on hand washing.  As part of the campaign, we have proceeced with the following actions for ongoing information, training and awareness raising:

1. Information banners were placed at the entrance of the Hospital, in Greek and English languages.
2. Information banners were placed in all public areas, wards and offices accross the Hospital, illustrating the correct procedure for proper hand washing.
3. Badges with slogans are worn by nursing staff, so that the patient is educated about the value of hand washing towards infection prevention in gneral.
4. Prior to the end of the year, the results of recorded infections in 2016 will be presented.

Dr. William Jarvis, one of C.D.C.'s research executies, proposes as an extra measure - since we fail to educate and persuade nurses and doctors to wash their hands - to inform the patient that it is their right to demand for it (W.R.Jarvis, Hand washing - The Semmelweis lesson forgotten? Lancet vol 344.Nov 12, 1994)

Androulla Christofiou
Nursing Care Manager
YGIA Polyclinic, Limassol