Ygia Polyclinic Private Hospital


International Nurses Day

May 12 is set to be celebrated every year as World Nursing Day around the world and nurses join forces to solve problems that in many countries remain unresolved and nurses work under difficult conditions, without recognizing the important work they do in the field of health.

Unfortunately, nurses have not acquired the professional position they deserve, because the limits of their responsibility are not clear and distinct.  The multilevel offer in the field of health leaves the various players unmoved and a constant struggle for recognition is needed.

Achieving the goals requires continuous training and improvement of knowledge and those who are in this field must really love our fellow human beings and strive honestly to improve the professional space from which they are called to work.

Let this year be a Challenge - a challenge for continuous improvement, on a personal, professional and family level.

From the Nursing Department of the YGIA Polyclinic in Limassol.