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Dr Christina Liakopoulou

Dr Liakopoulou is a graduate of the Medical School of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). She received the specialization of Internal Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine from Evangelismos General Hospital in Athens. She has completed the postgraduate programme in pre-hospital emergency medicine of the National center of Emergency Care (EKAB) in Greece and is now attending the MSc."Global Health - Disaster Medicine" of the NKUA. She is a certified Instructor in ALS, ILS and BLS from the European Resuscitation Council. She is member of the Hellenic Society of Intensive Care Medicine (HSIC), the Hellenic Society of Emergency Medicine (HESEM), the Hellenic Society of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (EEKAA) and the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). She is specialized in bedside ultrasonography and in ultrasound-guided vascular access and drainage placement.

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