Ygia Polyclinic Private Hospital

Новости поликлиники «Игия»

A Message for the 12th International Nurses Day

YGIA Polyclinic’s Nursing Care Division celebrates every year the 12th of May 2020, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, the founder of modern nursing.  We honour this year’s celebration under the most special circumstances due to Covid-19 pandemic.

This day finds Nurses around the world working in a state of terror due to the pandemic and dressed as in science fiction movies.

We have hidden our faces behind a mask, covered our hands, bodies and feet, because the virus is mercilessly infecting everyone.  A large number of Health Professionals around the globe have lost their lives.  Although all of us are working in fear, under very adverse and unorthodox conditions, we believe that terrorism and social exclusion deriving from the pandemic cannot last long.

Researchers work day and night to prepare a vaccine and treating medication.  We want each and every patient to be able to see our face and our smile so as to absorb strength and optimism.

This year’s 12th of May, 2020, is a different day from all the rest.


Dear Nursing Staff, Thank You!!!!!

Stay strong and positive!!!!!

Be assured that we take all necessary health and safety precautions!!!!!


On behalf of the Nursing Care Division,

Androulla Christofidou
Nursing Care Manager