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Dr Eliana Eliadou

Dr Eliadou studied medicine in Warsaw with a scholarship from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Cyprus.

Upon completion of my Pre-registration Clinical Training, she continued her post-graduate education at Limassol General Hospital. She was granted a second scholarship from the Ministry of Finance and specialised in Paediatric surgery at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, Poland (,which is the biggest Children’s Medical Centre of Central Eastern- Europe.

Herportfolio includes over three thousand five hundred (3500) surgical operations compatible with the requirements for the European Union Programme for the Paediatric surgery certificate.

Her experience includes among other surgeries the following:

Plastic surgery (face and neck), Thoracic surgery, Paediatric urology, Trauma surgery, (including burns and head injuries), Neonatal surgery, Gastrointestinal surgery (liver and biliary surgery including biliary atresia– Kasai operation, small and large bowel surgery), Endocrine surgery, Surgical oncology (solid tumors surgery), Liver and kidney transplantations.

She worked in the Paediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation department of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute for eight years. In 2002 she became a senior consultant in Paediatric Surgery and participated in the teaching and training medical students andpost graduated paediatric surgeons.

In the academic field, I have written numerous scientific articles (56) and for the duration of the last three years focused on paediatric surgical oncology (e.g.FAP and RET gene mutations, APC gene mutations, ovary and thyroid tumors).

Since June 2004, she has been working in Cyprus. The first year in the Paraskevaedion Transplantation Center and after that in the Private section in Evangelistria Hospital in Nicosia, In Apolloneion Hospital and YGIA Hospital in Limassol (2007-now).



Heracleous 9, Elena Court, 3rd floor, Apt. 302

Strovolos, 2040 Nicosia, Cyprus


Telephone: +357 22515944

Fax: +357 22515944


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