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Dr Crhistos Koukkoullis

Degrees & Qualifications:MD, Semmelweis University Medical School, Hungary (Summa Cum Laude, 1982). Paediatric Specialty State Exam, Hungary (1986). A’ Levels, The English School, Nicosia (Physics, Mathematics, Modern Greek, Chemistry).

Awards: Cyprus State Scholarship, Semmelweis University Medical School (1975-1982). TESCO Hungary State Scholarship (1982-1986). Fulbright Scholarship, Boston Children’s Hospital, Respiratory Department (Jun 2000 – Sep 2000). Biology Award, Semmelweis University Medical School (1976).

Current Post: Private Practice since 1987 (Outpatient Clinic Services and Inpatient Care in co-operation with YGIA Polyclinic Private Hospital).

Previous Posts: NagyKanizsa County Hospital, Paediatric Department (1982-1987). Military Doctor / Captain, National Army Service (1990-2000). Consultant Paediatrician, British Defence Medical Services (2008-2013).

Courses: Advanced Neonatal Life Support (2001 & 2009). Paediatric Advanced Life Support (2008).

Teaching Experience:Actively involved in teaching and counselling prospective medical students. Mentored several secondary students in gaining background experience in medicine.

Management/Committees: Limassol Medical Association Committee (1992-1993). Cyprus Paediatric Association (2005-2008). Mini-Football Association, Founder and President (1989-2002). Organising Committee, Annual Paediatric Cypriot Congress (2006-2008).

Additionally, participated in numerous medical congresses and meetings globally.


Konstantinou Mourouzi 9, Mesa Yitonia, 4001 Limassol, Cyprus


Telephone: +357 25754700

Fax: +357 25729090


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