In an interview with Offsite, Dr. George Papadopoulos*, Internal Neurologist at the YGIA Polyclinic, explains for the diagnosis of which diseases the medical examination of the electromyogram is indicated.
What is an electromyogram?
It is a diagnostic test that examines the function of peripheral nerves and muscles and provides important information about the integrity of the peripheral nervous system.
When is an electromyogram recommended?
In cases where the patient complains of numbness, weakness in the upper or lower limb, gait disturbance, diffuse weakness or muscle pain. This examination determines whether there is indeed a nerve or muscle damage and its severity. In particular, an EMG is indicated for the following conditions:
Traumatic, compressive, ischaemic, metabolic or other types of peripheral nerve or nerve plexus damage including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ulnar Vein Syndrome, peripheral nerve damage of the facial nerve, lumbar or cervical nerve damage
polyneuropathies, i.e. generalised peripheral nerve damage of any origin (sensory, motor, sensorimotor, hereditary, degenerative, metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, etc.).
Multiple mononeuritis
Myopathies, muscular dystrophies, myotonia
Attack of anterior horns of the spinal cord or motor nuclei of the brain stem (lateral myotrophic sclerosis, poliomyelitis, etc.)
How is the examination carried out and by which specialty?
The examination is performed by a Medical Neurologist. Using a low-intensity electric current applied to the patient through surface electrodes, the functionality of the most basic peripheral nerves of the upper and lower limbs (depending on the location of the possible lesion) is checked. A fine needle electrode is used to check the functionality of selected muscle groups. In this case, the patient is asked to perform specific movements during the test.
How long does the test take? Is there any special preparation required from the patient?
The duration of the test varies from 20 minutes to one hour depending on the number of nerves and muscles that need to be examined in each case in order to complete the test. Apart from clean skin, no preparation is required from the patient. The test is performed under certain conditions in patients wearing a pacemaker and the doctor must know before the test whether the patient is taking anticoagulants. At the end of the examination, the patient shall return to activities immediately.
Is this examination performed at the YGIA Polyclinic?
Of course. The YGEIA Polyclinic has a state-of-the-art electromyograph of the latest technology, which allows the doctor, thanks to its design and its capabilities, to offer the patient a fully personalized opinion of the diagnostic result with ease and high speed in the extraction of results. Patients can contact 25884852, either to schedule an appointment with the Neurology Department of the YGEIA Polyclinic, or to have this test performed, in case they already have a referral.
If we have to choose between Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) and Electromyography, which would you recommend?
It all depends on the clinician's differential diagnostic plan (what they think you may have). Electromyography provides the ability to test the peripheral nervous system and complements MRI and CT to obtain the optimal diagnostic result.
*Dr. George Papadopoulos, is a graduate of the Medical School of the Democritus University of Thrace, while he obtained the specialty title of Neurology in 2016 after training at the First University Neurology Clinic of the Aeginetios Hospital. He worked since 2017 as a Supervisor of the Neurology Department and the Acute Vascular Stroke Unit at Mediterraneo Hospital in Greece. Dr Papadopoulos' main clinical interests are vascular strokes and neurodegenerative disorders (dementia, extrapyramidal syndromes), while in the field of neurophysiology he is involved in the evaluation of electroencephalogram and the performance of electromyography and visual evoked potentials. Dr. Papadopoulos is an in-house Neurologist Physician at YGIA Polyclinic.